0000 Board Philosophy
The School Board recognizes that the success of our educational system relies heavily on educational planning and ongoing evaluation in order to adapt district programs and activities to the changing needs of society and the community. To guide these efforts, the School Board adopts the following definitions for the development of sound and responsible educational policies:
- "Philosophy" means a composite statement of the relationship between the individual and society based upon beliefs, concepts, and attitudes from which the goals and objectives of the district are derived.
- "Goal" means a statement of broad direction or intent which is general and timeless and is not concerned with a particular achievement within a specified time period.
- "Objective" means a specific accomplishment to be achieved which can be measured within a given time and under specifiable conditions and which, if attained, advances the system toward a corresponding goal.
(cf. 0100 - Philosophy)
(cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District)
(cf. 0500 - Review and Evaluation)
The School Board believes that in order for education to succeed there must be an ongoing partnership between educators, parents/guardians, students, and the community. The School Board encourages the participation of all segments of the community in order that an educational climate is created which promotes the positive and healthy development of each child.
Legal Reference:
14.03.010 Establishment of school system
4 AAC 05.040 Establishment of local schools
Revised 9/97
Adopted Nov 2022
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In accordance with state education policy, the purpose of education is to help ensure that all students will succeed in their education and work, shape worthwhile and satisfying lives for themselves, exemplify the best values of society, and be effective in improving the character and quality of the world about them.
The School Board is committed to providing a program of instruction which offers each child an opportunity to develop to the maximum of his/her individual capabilities. The School Board believes that all students can succeed regardless of their race, background or ability. Furthermore, the School Board believes that a culturally responsive education in which District staff practice a high level of cultural proficiency will honor and positively influence the opportunity for students of all cultures to become successful individuals, exemplifying positive values and improving communities and the world. School staff shall embody this philosophy in all district programs and activities.
Understanding and Supporting Healing
Intergenerational healing and racial equity are necessary to create successful outcomes for students and stronger, healthier communities. This involves recognition of the needs, resources, and contributions of students, families, cultures, and community, as well as the educational system made up of administrators, staff, teachers, the school board, and the land and structures comprising the public school system, Healing supports should be designed to have the following impacts: correct injustice and other wrongs, accurately represent history, educate educators to ensure an accurate understanding of history and protocols, establish schools as a Native place and community, orient and welcome people to the land and place, create and implement healing in policies and partnerships, and integrate ceremony and protocol. Healing supports are intended to make reparations and new experiences within the educational setting.
The School Board strives to support all students to succeed by creating conditions for learning, teaching, and partnering in the schools. The District’s policies and regulations should be considered, adopted, and implemented to further equity and nondiscrimination, cultural safety and responsiveness, student-centered learning and teaching, restorative or trauma sensitive practices, and collaboration with community.
(cf. 0410 – Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities Legal Reference:
14.03.015 State Education Policy
14.08.111 Duties
Revised 3/2019
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Note: The following sample language may be revised as needed to reflect district philosophy and needs. AS 14.07.165 requires the State Board of Education to adopt statewide goals and to require that each governing body adopt written goals consistent with local needs. AS 14.03.120 requires districts to annually file and make available to the public a report that establishes district goals and priorities and includes plans for achieving these goals and the means of measuring district achievement. Districts are required to encourage public participation in the preparation of this report.
The School Board is committed to excellence and self-evaluation and believes that the public schools exist to meet the needs of students, parents/guardians and other community members. It is, therefore, important that citizens may express their expectations of the schools. The School Board encourages students, parents, teachers, and other community members to participate in educational planning for the district.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management)
The School Board shall adopt written goals for the school district which reflect local needs. These goals shall be consistent with School Board policy and statewide goals adopted by the State Board of Education. The Superintendent or designee shall develop objectives for meeting these goals. The development and adoption of the budget shall be consistent with district goals and objectives.
(cf. 0000 - Concepts and Roles)
(cf. 0100 - Philosophy) (cf. 3100 - Budget)
The Superintendent or designee shall annually file with the Department of Education and Early Development and make available to the public a report which includes the adopted district goals and priorities, plans for achieving these goals and priorities, and the means of measuring the district's success in reaching its goals and priorities.
(cf. 0500 - Review and Evaluation)
(cf. 0510 - School District Report Card)
Legal Reference:
14.03.120 Education planning; reports
14.07.165 Duties
4 AAC 06.800-.899 School and District Accountability
4 AAC Chapter 4 Statewide goals
Revised 4/2014
Adopted Nov 2022
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The School Board believes that a quality education provides an opportunity for each student to develop:
- The concept of self-worth and the ability to exercise self-discipline.
- A positive attitude toward responsible citizenship.
- Mastery of the basic skills and a working knowledge of mathematics, technology, reading, language arts (including effective oral and written communication), the sciences, geography, history, government and citizenship, world languages and fine arts.
- Skills and other competencies leading toward economic independence consistent with the individual's interests and basic potential.
- Skills to think logically and critically.
- An awareness and understanding of our country's history and ideals and its diverse ethnic, racial and cultural heritage.
- An awareness and understanding of the heritage, ideals and contributions of other cultures, races and countries.
- The opportunity to develop the capability of students to appreciate beauty in literature, art, music and nature, and to recognize, value and use creativity.
- A recognition of the importance of physical and mental health and an understanding of skills for a healthy life.
- An ability to adapt and participate constructively in a changing society.
- An understanding of the relationship of people and his/her environment.
- Moral and ethical values based on the rights and responsibilities of individuals and their relationships to each other.
(cf. 6143 - Courses of Study)
Legal Reference:
14.03.015 State education policy
4 AAC Chap. 4 Statewide goals
Revised 4/2014
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Note: Federal regulations implementing Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act were amended in 2010 to broaden the right of individuals with disabilities to be accompanied by their service animals on school property. The new regulations, which take effect March 15, 2011, include a clear requirement that individuals with disabilities be permitted to be accompanied by their service animals in all areas of a public entity's facilities where the public and school participants are allowed.
Additionally, public entities are to modify existing policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of service animals.
The following language was adapted from the Service Animal policy of the Anchorage School District.
The Board is committed to providing quality education to all students and ensuring full access to district programs, services and facilities by individuals with disabilities, including those requiring the use of a service animal. The district will comply with all applicable laws concerning the use of service animals on district property, in classrooms, at school functions, and in connection with district services.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 1312.3 - Public Complaints Concerning Discrimination)
(cf. 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment)
Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by a working service animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of the individual. The Superintendent or designee shall develop guidelines to implement this policy, including procedures for individuals to request the use of a service animal, proof of animal vaccination, and procedures for accommodating the use of the service animal when a student or staff member has a known allergy.
(cf. 1260 - Visits to the Schools)
It is the responsibility of the handler or the individual assisted by a service animal to ensure that the animal is identified as a service animal and to properly control and supervise the animal at all times while on district property. The district is not responsible for the care or supervision of a service animal, including walking the animal or responding to the animal's need to relieve itself. The care and supervision of service animals for young children unable to care for or supervise the animal should be addressed on a case-by-case basis in the discretion of the building administrator.
Owners of service animals are liable for any harm or physical injury caused by the animal to other students, staff, or visitors. Owners of service animals may be required to pay for property damage caused by the animal to the same extent any individual would be charged for such damage.
(cf. 3515.4 - Recovery for Property Loss or Damage) (cf. 6161.2 - Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials)
A school administrator may ask that an individual with a disability remove a service animal from a school building or school function if the animal is out of control and the animal's handler does not take effective action to control the animal, or if the animal is not housebroken. If the animal is properly excluded, the individual with a disability must still be permitted to participate in the service, program, or activity without the service animal.
No individual shall intentionally interfere with the use or assistance of a service animal by harassing or obstructing the service animal or its user.
Note: Under the ADA regulations, a service animal must be a dog or, in specific circumstances, a miniature horse. No other species of animal, whether wild or domestic, is required to be permitted in schools as a "service animal."
"Service animal" includes those animals as identified in applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Service animal does not include an animal whose primary work or task is to provide emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship.
Note: District personnel should not make prohibited inquiries regarding the use of a service animal. Specifically, individuals should not be asked about the nature or extent of the disability and, as a general rule, documentation that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal, cannot be required. To determine whether an animal qualifies as a service animal, the person may be asked if the animal is required because of a disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. If it is clearly observable that the animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for the person (such as a dog observed to be guiding a person with sight impairment or a dog pulling a wheelchair), then no further inquiry should be made regarding whether or not the animal qualifies as a service animal.
Legal Reference:
42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq., Americans with Disabilities Act 29 U.S.C. 794, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
28 C.F.R. Part 35, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services
28 C.F.R. Part 41, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Federally Assisted Programs
29 C.F.R. Part 1630, Implementing the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Title 18, Chapter 80, Discriminatory Practices Prohibited
AS 11.76.130, Interference With Rights of Physically or Mentally Challenged Person
Added 2/11
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes that culturally responsive, shared decision making at the site level can improve school performance and individual student achievement. The Board supports the involvement of staff, students, parents/guardians and the community in such decision making. The School Board encourages the use of site councils in developing policies and programs that respond to the unique cultural and traditional needs and characteristics of individual schools in accordance with district goals.
(cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District)
(cf. 2230 - Representative and Deliberative Groups)
(cf. 0510 - School District Report Card) (cf. 8000 - Advisory School Boards) Legal Reference:
14.03.120 Education Planning
4 AAC 05.010-4 AAC 05.090 Local Education
Revised 3/2019
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Note: Pursuant to A.S. 14.36.040, applications for community school grants must include the following requirements. 4 AAC 32.010 requires the district to submit a three-year plan of service and an annual plan which contains short- term goals and objectives for the second and third years of the three-year plan.
In accordance with requirements for state funding of the community school program, the Superintendent or designee shall:
- establish a community schools advisory council
- develop a comprehensive plan for the community school program, which addresses before and after school activities for children and adults, continued education programs for children and adults, and cultural enrichment and recreational activities
- assign responsibility for the direction and coordination of the community school program; and
- establish procedures to ensure the program is reasonably available to residents of all communities within the district
The comprehensive plan shall provide a three-year plan of service. The district shall develop an annual plan which includes short-term goals and objectives for the second and third years of the comprehensive plan.
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee shall:
- establish a community schools advisory council
- develop a comprehensive plan for the community school program, which addresses, as applicable, before and after school activities for children and adults, continued education programs for children and adults, and cultural enrichment and recreational activities
- assign responsibility for the direction and coordination of the community school program; and
- establish procedures to ensure the program is reasonably available to community residents.
Revised 3/2012
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that ongoing review and evaluation of district policies and programs are necessary if the School Board is to be held accountable for the governance of the district. The School Board accepts that being accountable includes a duty to explain to the public how district responsibilities are being met and will provide for such review and evaluation.
(cf. 0510 - School District Report Card)
(cf. 1312 - Complaints Concerning the Schools) (cf. 4115 - Personnel Evaluation) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program) (cf. 9300 - Governance)
(cf. 9400 - School Board Self-Evaluation) Legal References:
14.03.120 Education planning; reports
4 AAC 04.140 Content Standards
4 AAC 06.812 Alaska school performance index 4 AAC 06.885 School recognition
Revised 4/2014
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Note: Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, school districts must prepare and disseminate an annual district report card to parents, schools and the general public that summarizes the academic performance of district schools and students, including individual student achievement on state assessments compared to students and subgroups of students as a whole.
Under Alaska law, AS 14.03.120, and 4 AAC 06.895, all schools and districts must prepare annual school and district reports on school and student performance. Also required is reporting of student discipline data. AS 14.33.210, 4 AAC 06.172 and 4 AAC 06.250. See AR 5030 – School Discipline and Safety.
Effective October 2014, school districts must annually report incidents of restraint and seclusion. AS 14.33.125. See BP 5030 – School Discipline and Safety, and BP 5142.3 – Restraint and Seclusion. The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development has established criteria for preparing school report cards. Each school and district should consult the applicable statutes and regulations as it begins preparation of the annual report.
In accordance with law, the district shall prepare and disseminate an annual report card. The report card will include information about the district and its schools related to a variety of student and school performance measures, accountability, per-pupil expenditures, and educator qualifications. These reports will be developed in consultation with parents and will help ensure that parents are actively involved and knowledgeable about their schools and their child’s education.
Note: Beginning with information from the 2017-18 school year, report cards must be posted annually on district websites, and disseminated directly to parents, on or before December 31 of the subsequent school year (e.g., by December 31, 2018 for the 2017-18 school year). 34 CFR § 200.31(d)-(e).
Dissemination to parents may be through such means as regular mail, email, or other direct means of distribution.
The annual report card will be concise and presented in an understandable and uniform format. It must be accessible to persons with disabilities and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that parents can understand. The report card will be posted on the District’s website and disseminated to parents.
In addition to the components required by law, the Superintendent or designee may include in the report additional indicators, both qualitative descriptions and quantitative measurements, of school and student performance. In determining the indicators which assess school and student performance, the Superintendent or designee shall solicit suggestions from parents, school staff and the community.
The School Board desires that performance reports be reviewed and discussed within the framework of desired outcomes, the context in which education takes place, and the educational policies and practices of the district. The School Board desires that this assessment be viewed as an opportunity to communicate with the public, review achievements, identify areas for improvement, enlist local support, enhance internal operations, build consensus, and establish a vision for the future.
The School Board expects that existing evaluation processes and resources will be performance report cards and that the usefulness of these reports will improve with each future assessment.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management/School Advisory Boards) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)
Legal References:
14.03.120 Education planning; reports
14.33.210 Reporting of incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying
14.33.125 Student restraint or seclusion; limitations
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 20 USC §§ 6311(h)(2), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (P.L. 114-95 (December 10, 2015)
34 C.F.R. §200.31 (amend. November 2016)
4 AAC 06.895 Report card to the public
4 AAC 06.172 Reporting of school disciplinary and safety programs 4 AAC 06.250 Reporting
Revised 3/2017
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
School Improvement Plan - Development, Approval and Implementation
Note: All schools in a district designated as one-, two-, or three-stars by the Department of Education and Early Development are required to develop, issue, and implement a school improvement plan. A school improvement plan is required even if the school does not receive Title I funds. The following procedures for development of the plan are consistent with the requirements of 4 AAC 06.845, School Improvement Plan, and 4 AAC 06.852, Technical Assistance.
The Superintendent shall designate the individual responsible to oversee development of school improvement plans. Required plans must be developed by November 1 of each school year.
Schools Requiring A Plan
The following schools require a school improvement plan:
- Any school designated with a rating of one, two, or three stars;
- Any school identified by the Department as a priority or focus school; and
- Any school designated with a rating of four or five stars if the school:
- Has failed to meet its annual measurable objectives for two consecutive years for the school as a whole or any subgroup;
- Has experienced a decline in the school's graduation rate on the whole or for any subgroup (high schools only); or
- Has a participation rate of less than 95% on state standards-based assessments.
State Involvement
If the school is identified by the Department of Education and Early Development as a priority or focus school, the school improvement plan will be prepared in consultation with the Department and is subject to Department approval.
If the school has received a one- or two-star rating, the school improvement plan must be submitted to the Department.
Plan Preparation
Note: State regulation, 4 AAC 06.845, requires as a general rule that school improvement plans be developed using the Department's computerized self- assessment and improvement program. An alternative process may be utilized by a district in limited instances if approved by the Department. Department approval is limited to: 1) schools that are implementing an effective school improvement plan through an accreditation process; 2) schools that are rated as four- or five-star and the plan is specific to a particular identifiable deficiency; or
3) the district can show by a preponderance of the evidence that the school has a planning process for development of an improvement plan that will address as effectively or more effectively than the Department's program each of the 6 domains and each specific deficiency at the school.
The school improvement plan will be prepared utilizing a computerized self-
lected by the Department. The self-
sment program will address the following six domains: 1) curriculum; 2)
assessment policy and practice; 3) instruction; 4) school learning environment; 5) professional development policy and practices; and 6) leadership.
The school improvement plan is to be prepared with the maximum feasible public participation of the community, including, as appropriate, interested individuals, teachers, parents, parent organizations, students, tribal groups, local government representatives, and other community groups.
Plan Contents For Priority Schools
The Plan must provide for a system of comprehensive intervention using all required turnaround principles. The district will consult with and obtain the approval of the Department to address deficiencies in each of the six domains, as identified in the computerized self-assessment or in a desk or instructional audit.
Comprehensive turnaround principles to be implemented at the school must include:
- School Calendar Adjustments. The school day, week, and year, will provide more time for student learning and teacher collaboration. This includes the following minimum requirements:
- dedicated time block each week for teacher collaboration;
- 90 minutes daily of core reading instruction for all students grades K-6;
- 30 additional minutes of intervention daily for K-6 students below grade level in reading;
- dedicated time block daily for structured reading interventions for students grades 7-12 who are below grade level in reading;
- 60 minutes daily of core math instruction for all students grades K-6; and
- dedicated time block daily for structured math intervention for students grades 7-12 who are below grade level in math.
- Teacher Effectiveness. The district's policies and actions will ensure that all teachers at the school are effective teachers. This includes the following actions:
- each teacher's effectiveness is reviewed by the district and principal, including a review of student learning data;
- replacement or improvement of ineffective teachers;
- requiring teachers transferring to the school to be proven effective; and
- providing job-embedded professional development that targets the specific needs of teacher and students.
- Instructional Program. The instructional program will be strengthened through the following methods:
- adoption and use of research-based curricula that are aligned with state standards;
- implementation of reading curricula that addresses the essential elements of reading;
- implementation of reading and math support programs for students behind grade level;
- using data to inform instruction, including:
- at least three times per year, utilize a universal screening tool approved by the Department for all students, grades K-8;
- utilize a diagnostic assessment to determine the specific reading or math deficiencies for all students one or more years below grade level; and
- base instruction and interventions on the specifics needs of the student as identified by screenings or assessments.
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
- establishing a school environment that improves school safety and discipline, including implementation of a school-wide behavior plan, and that addresses the social, emotional, and health needs of students;
- providing for family engagement in the school, including cultural awareness and understanding of cultural values; and
- providing strong leadership, including
- reviewing the performance of the principal, including a review of student learning data;
- retention of the existing principal or hire of a new principal based upon the existing principal's performance on indicators in the leadership domain; and
- providing the principal with flexibility in areas that should be tailored to the needs of the school such as scheduling, staff, or budget.
- Additional Requirements. The improvement plan must, to the extent possible, include measures to:
- increase local control of education;
- increase parental choice; and
- not require a direct increase in state or federal funding for the school or district.
Plan Contents for Focus Schools
The school improvement plan for a focus school will identify targeted interventions that consider each of the comprehensive turnaround principles. Interventions will be targeted for any subgroup that is performing below grade level. In addition, appropriate interventions will be targeted to any deficiencies revealed through data analysis or the results of an instructional or desk audit.
In preparing the school improvement plan, the district will consult with the Department.
Plan Implementation
The school shall implement the plan immediately upon district approval. Should the Department determine that changes in the plan will improve the performance or progress of students, the school will implement the changes required by the Department.
The district will ensure appropriate technical assistance to the school during development of the plan and throughout the plan's duration. Technical assistance may be provided by the district, the Department, an institution of higher education, a private organization, an educational service agency, or another entity with experience in helping schools improve academic achievement.
Technical assistance must be based on research and may include:
- assistance in analyzing assessment data and other examples of student work in order to identify and develop solutions to problems in instruction, parental involvement and professional development, and plan implementation, including district- and school-level responsibilities under the plan;
- assistance in identifying and implementing professional development and instructional strategies and methods that have proven effective, through research, in addressing the specific instructional issues that caused the school's rating of one, two, or three stars; and/or
- assistance in analyzing and revising the school's budget so that the school allocates its resources more effectively to the activities most likely to increase student academic achievement.
District Improvement Plan - Development and Contents
Note: A school district must have a district improvement plan if: 1) at least 25% of its schools are designated as one or two stars; 2) at least 25% of the district's students attend a school designated as one or two stars; 3) an instructional or desk audit demonstrates significant deficiencies in the domains of: curriculum, assessment policy and practice, instruction, school learning environment, professional development policy and practices, and leadership; or 4) an instructional or desk audit shows that one or more subgroups in the district is not making progress toward the subgroup's annual measurable objectives.
The following plan contents comply with the requirements set forth at 4 AAC 06.850, District improvement plan.
A district improvement plan will be prepared by the Superintendent and submitted to the Department in the following circumstances:
- At least 25% of the district's schools have been designated as one- or two-star schools;
- At least 25% of the district's students attend a one or two-star designated school;
- An instructional or desk audit at the district, or its schools, demonstrates significant deficiencies in the following domains of successful schools: curriculum, assessment policy and practice, instruction, school learning environment, professional development policy and practices, and leadership; or
- An instructional or desk audit shows that one or more subgroups in the district is not making progress toward the subgroup's annual measurable objectives.
The district improvement plan will be developed in the same manner as school improvement plans.
Revised 9/2016
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
School Improvement Plan - Development, Approval and Implementation
Note: All schools in a district designated as one-, two-, or three-stars by the Department of Education and Early Development are required to develop, issue, and implement a school improvement plan. A school improvement plan is required even if the school does not receive Title I funds. The following procedures for development of the plan are consistent with the requirements of 4 AAC 06.845, School Improvement Plan, and 4 AAC 06.852, Technical Assistance.
The Superintendent shall designate the individual responsible to oversee development of school improvement plans. Required plans must be developed by November 1 of each school year.
Schools Requiring A Plan
The following schools require a school improvement plan:
- Any school designated with a rating of one, two, or three stars;
- Any school identified by the Department as a priority or focus school; and
- Any school designated with a rating of four or five stars if the school:
- Has failed to meet its annual measurable objectives for two consecutive years for the school as a whole or any subgroup;
- Has experienced a decline in the school's graduation rate on the whole or for any subgroup (high schools only); or
- Has a participation rate of less than 95% on state standards-based
State Involvement
If the school is identified by the Department of Education and Early Development as a priority or focus school, the school improvement plan will be prepared in consultation with the Department and is subject to Department approval.
If the school has received a one- or two-star rating, the school improvement plan must be submitted to the Department.
Plan Preparation
Note: State regulation, 4 AAC 06.845, requires as a general rule that school improvement plans be developed using the Department's computerized self- assessment and improvement program. An alternative process may be utilized by a district in limited instances if approved by the Department. Department approval is limited to: 1) schools that are implementing an effective school improvement plan through an accreditation process; 2) schools that are rated as four- or five-star and the plan is specific to a particular identifiable deficiency; or
3) the district can show by a preponderance of the evidence that the school has a planning process for development of an improvement plan that will address as effectively or more effectively than the Department's program each of the 6 domains and each specific deficiency at the school.
The school improvement plan will be prepared utilizing a computerized self- assessment and improvement program selected by the Department. The self- assessment program will address the following six domains: 1) curriculum; 2)assessment policy and practice; 3) instruction; 4) school learning environment; 5) professional development policy and practices; and 6) leadership.
The school improvement plan is to be prepared with the maximum feasible public participation of the community, including, as appropriate, interested individuals, teachers, parents, parent organizations, students, tribal groups, local government representatives, and other community groups.
Plan Contents For Priority Schools
The Plan must provide for a system of comprehensive intervention using all required turnaround principles. The district will consult with and obtain the approval of the Department to address deficiencies in each of the six domains, as identified in the computerized self-assessment or in a desk or instructional audit.
Comprehensive turnaround principles to be implemented at the school must include:
- School Calendar The school day, week, and year, will provide more time for student learning and teacher collaboration. This includes the following minimum requirements:
- dedicated time block each week for teacher collaboration;
- 90 minutes daily of core reading instruction for all students grades K-6;
- 30 additional minutes of intervention daily for K-6 students below grade level in reading;
- dedicated time block daily for structured reading interventions for students grades 7-12 who are below grade level in reading;
- 60 minutes daily of core math instruction for all students grades K-6; and
- dedicated time block daily for structured math intervention for students grades 7-12 who are below grade level in math.
- Teacher Effectiveness. The district's policies and actions will ensure that all teachers at the school are effective This includes the following actions:
- each teacher's effectiveness is reviewed by the district and principal, including a review of student learning data;
- replacement or improvement of ineffective teachers;
- requiring teachers transferring to the school to be proven effective; and
- providing job-embedded professional development that targets the specific needs of teacher and students.
- Instructional. The instructional program will be strengthened through the following methods:
- adoption and use of research-based curricula that are aligned with state standards;
- implementation of reading curricula that addresses the essential elements of reading;
- implementation of reading and math support programs for students behind grade level;
- using data to inform instruction, including:
- at least three times per year, utilize a universal screening tool approved by the Department for all students, grades K-8;
- utilize a diagnostic assessment to determine the specific reading or math deficiencies for all students one or more years below grade level; and
- base instruction and interventions on the specifics needs of the student as identified by screenings or assessments.
- establishing a school environment that improves school safety and discipline, including implementation of a school-wide behavior plan, and that addresses the social, emotional, and health needs of students;
- providing for family engagement in the school, including cultural awareness and understanding of cultural values; and
- providing strong leadership, including
- reviewing the performance of the principal, including a review of student learning data;
- retention of the existing principal or hire of a new principal based upon the existing principal's performance on indicators in the leadership domain; and
- providing the principal with flexibility in areas that should be tailored to the needs of the school such as scheduling, staff, or budget.
- Additional The improvement plan must, to the extent possible, include measures to:
- increase local control of education;
- increase parental choice; and
- not require a direct increase in state or federal funding for the school or district.
Plan Contents for Focus Schools
The school improvement plan for a focus school will identify targeted interventions that consider each of the comprehensive turnaround principles. Interventions will be targeted for any subgroup that is performing below grade level. In addition, appropriate interventions will be targeted to any deficiencies revealed through data analysis or the results of an instructional or desk audit.
In preparing the school improvement plan, the district will consult with the Department.
Plan Implementation
The school shall implement the plan immediately upon district approval. Should the Department determine that changes in the plan will improve the performance or progress of students, the school will implement the changes required by the Department.
The district will ensure appropriate technical assistance to the school during development of the plan and throughout the plan's duration. Technical assistance may be provided by the district, the Department, an institution of higher education, a private organization, an educational service agency, or another entity with experience in helping schools improve academic achievement.
Technical assistance must be based on research and may include:
- assistance in analyzing assessment data and other examples of student work in order to identify and develop solutions to problems in instruction, parental involvement and professional development, and plan implementation, including district- and school-level responsibilities under the plan;
- assistance in identifying and implementing professional development and instructional strategies and methods that have proven effective, through research, in addressing the specific instructional issues that caused the school's rating of one, two, or three stars; and/or
- assistance in analyzing and revising the school's budget so that the school allocates its resources more effectively to the activities most likely to increase student academic achievement.
District Improvement Plan - Development and Contents
Note: A school district must have a district improvement plan if: 1) at least 25% of its schools are designated as one or two stars; 2) at least 25% of the district's students attend a school designated as one or two stars; 3) an instructional or desk audit demonstrates significant deficiencies in the domains of: curriculum, assessment policy and practice, instruction, school learning environment, professional development policy and practices, and leadership; or 4) an instructional or desk audit shows that one or more subgroups in the district is not making progress toward the subgroup's annual measurable objectives.
The following plan contents comply with the requirements set forth at 4 AAC 06.850, District improvement plan.
A district improvement plan will be prepared by the Superintendent and submitted to the Department in the following circumstances:
- At least 25% of the district's schools have been designated as one- or two-star schools;
- At least 25% of the district's students attend a one or two-star designated school;
- An instructional or desk audit at the district, or its schools, demonstrates significant deficiencies in the following domains of successful schools: curriculum, assessment policy and practice, instruction, school learning environment, professional development policy and practices, and leadership; or
- An instructional or desk audit shows that one or more subgroups in the district is not making progress toward the subgroup's annual measurable objectives.
The district improvement plan will be developed in the same manner as school improvement plans.
Revised 9/2016
Adopted Nov 2024
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Note: This optional policy complies with 4 AAC 05.090 establishing required procedures to be followed before a school can be permanently or temporarily closed.
The School Board strives to maintain schools in local communities but recognizes that low student enrollment or other factors may necessitate temporary or permanent closure of a school. School Board action to close a school will only occur after written notice to the affected families which will be provided at least 10 days prior to school closure, absent emergency circumstances that do not permit such notice.
Absent emergency circumstances, no school closure will occur until development and approval of a closure plan. The plan must provide for the continued educational services to all eligible students, including students with disabilities. The plan must address pupil transportation services, if applicable. Additionally, the plan should contain a schedule for providing compensatory services that may be required under state and federal laws for the education of students with disabilities. Finally, the plan will provide for reimbursement to the State of money already paid for the period of closure, unless the school year is extended. If the closure is temporary, the plan will identify steps for reopening the school.
Note: The Department of Education and Early Development must approve all permanent and non- emergency temporary school closures. Permanent school closure plans will be considered approved if the Department of Education and Early Development does not disapprove the plan within 90 days. 4 AAC 05.090(b). Temporary school closure plans must be submitted to the Department of Education and Early Development for approval at least ten days before the planned closure. 4 AAC 05.090(c).
The plan will be reviewed and approved by the School Board at a public meeting. Following School Board approval, the plan will be submitted to the Department of Education and Early Development for approval. The plan will not be executed until Department of Education and Early Development approval.
Emergency Closure Days
The Superintendent may order one or more emergency closure days if conditions exist posing a threat to the health or safety of students, staff, or the community. To the extent practicable, the Superintendent shall consult with the Department of Education and Early Development and with federal and state health and safety agencies. In all cases of emergency closure, the Superintendent shall notify the School Board and the Department of Education and Early Development, in writing, within 24 hours.
Note: Under 4 AAC 05.090(h), a district may, on a form prescribed by the Department of Education and Early Development, apply to the Commissioner for approval to substitute an emergency closure day for a day in session or a day used for in-service training. The Commissioner may approve all, none, or some of the days the school was closed as emergency closure days, and require that the district replace the remaining days. In determining whether to approve, deny, or partially approve the request, the Commissioner will consider (1) the extent to which the district implemented a continuation of educational services plan during the closure; (2) the depth and quality of the educational services the district provided to students during the closure; (3) if the district had warnin f the pending emergency, the extent to which the district used the warning to prepare for continuation of educational services specific to the pending emergency; (4) the communication with families of students to facilitate delivery of educational services during the emergency; (5) the nature and duration of the emergency; (6) whether teachers and administrators were in on-duty status working to deliver educational services during the emergency; (7) the academic needs of the students in the district; and (8) the public interest.
As soon as practicable after ordering an emergency closure, the Superintendent shall submit a modified calendar to the Department of Education and Early Development.
The calendar will be modified using one or more of the following options:
- if the original calendar provided for more than 180 days, reduce the number of days in session or days used for in-service training for the school, so the combined number of days in session and days used for in-service training under the modified calendar remains in compliance with state law (AS 14.03.030);
- designate emergency closure days in place of days in session or days used for in-service training if the emergency closure days have been approved by the Commissioner of Education;
- designate additional days that the school must be in session to replace school closure days that were not reduced under (1) of this subsection or approved as emergency closure days by the Commissioner.
(cf. 6111 - School Calendar)
If a school is temporarily closed for disciplinary or safety reasons, the facility must remain closed for all purposes until the school is reopened.
Legal Reference:
14.03.030 School Term
14.33.120 School Disciplinary and Safety Program
4 AAC 05.090 Discontinuation or closure of schools
Revised 2/2010
Adopted Nov 2022
YFSD Policy Reference Manual