Our School Board
Laurie Thomas, President
laurie.thomas-board@yfsd.orgChalkyitsik, Fort Yukon
Section and Seat: II-E
Term Expires: 10/25
Melinda Peter, Vice President
melinda.peter-board@yfsd.orgChalkyitsik, Fort Yukon
Section and Seat: II-S
Term Expires: 10/24
Crystal Frank Welker, Secretary/Treasurer
Arctic Village, Venetie
Section and Seat: IA
Term Expires: 10/25
Eugenia Grammer
Arctic Village, Venetie
Section and Seat: I-B
Term Expires: 10/24
Rhonda Pitka
Beaver, Birch Creek, Central, Livengood, Stevens Village
Section and Seat: I-B
Term Expires: 10/24
Marlin Jimmie
marlin.jimmie-board@yfsd.orgChalkyitsik, Fort Yukon
Section and Seat: II-C
Term Expires: 10/25
Margaret Henry-John
margaret.henry-john@yfsd.orgBeaver, Birch Creek, Central, Circle, Livengood, Stevens Village
Section and Seat: III-G
Term Expires: 10/25