1000 Community Series
In accordance with state education policy, the purpose of education is to help ensure that all students will succeed in their education and work, shape worthwhile and satisfying lives for themselves, exemplify the best values of society, and be effective in improving the character and quality of the world about them.
The School Board is committed to providing a program of instruction which offers each child an opportunity to develop to the maximum of his/her individual capabilities. The School Board believes that all students can succeed regardless of their race, background or ability. Furthermore, the School Board believes that a culturally responsive education in which District staff practice a high level of cultural proficiency will honor and positively influence the opportunity for students of all cultures to become successful individuals, exemplifying positive values and improving communities and the world. School staff shall embody this philosophy in all district programs and activities.
Understanding and Supporting Healing
Intergenerational healing and racial equity are necessary to create successful outcomes for students and stronger, healthier communities. This involves recognition of the needs, resources, and contributions of students, families, cultures, and community, as well as the educational system made up of administrators, staff, teachers, the school board, and the land and structures comprising the public school system, Healing supports should be designed to have the following impacts: correct injustice and other wrongs, accurately represent history, educate educators to ensure an accurate understanding of history and protocols, establish schools as a Native place and community, orient and welcome people to the land and place, create and implement healing in policies and partnerships, and integrate ceremony and protocol. Healing supports are intended to make reparations and new experiences within the educational setting.
The School Board strives to support all students to succeed by creating conditions for learning, teaching, and partnering in the schools. The District’s policies and regulations should be considered, adopted, and implemented to further equity and nondiscrimination, cultural safety and responsiveness, student-centered learning and teaching, restorative or trauma sensitive practices, and collaboration with community.
(cf. 0410 – Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities
Legal Reference:
14.03.015 State Education Policy
14.08.111 Duties
Revised 3/2019
Adopted Nov 2022
Yukon Flats School District
The School Board perceives that increasing numbers of children live in poverty or neglect. Children who come to school with unmet physical, social and emotional needs are unable to devote themselves to learning. Our future depends upon these children becoming literate, independent and productive citizens. The School Board believes that all aspects of a child's welfare must become our society's top priority.
The School Board realizes that local schools alone cannot meet our children's complex individual needs. The schools have, therefore, a legitimate interest in cooperating with public and private agencies that provide day care, nutrition, and health services for children. The victims of homelessness, exploitation, substance abuse and child abuse may need multiple services which should be coordinated in order to avoid gaps, duplication, or delay. Schools, local government, businesses, foundations and charitable organizations all must work together to improve conditions for our community's youth.
Children have a right to have their physical, emotional and intellectual needs met. The School Board supports public policies which respect children by meeting their needs. The School Board will advocate for local, state and national public and private policies, legislation and programs designed to provide or better coordinate services that help children to make the most of their educational opportunities.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board appreciates the importance of community involvement and therefore shall strive to keep the community informed of developments within the school district in timely and understandable ways.
The Superintendent or designee shall use various means of communication to keep the public aware of the goals, programs, achievements and needs of our schools. Members of the community shall have opportunities to become involved in the schools and to express their interests and concerns.
The district shall seek to communicate in ways that accommodate the needs of all members of the public, including those with disabilities and those who are non-English speakers.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management/School Advisory Boards) (cf. 1000 - Concepts & Roles)
(cf. 1340 - Access to District Records)
(cf. 5145.6 - Notifications Required by Law) (cf. 9320 - School Board Meetings)
(cf. 0510 - School District Report Card) Legal Reference:
14.03.120 Education Planning; Reports
4 AAC 06.895 Report card to the public Revised 3/2015
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that the media significantly influences the public's understanding of school issues and can greatly assist the district in communicating with the community.
The School Board respects the public's right to information and recognizes that the media has a legitimate interest in the schools and a responsibility to provide the community with news.
Media representatives are welcome at all School Board meetings and shall receive meeting announcements and agendas upon request.
(cf. 9320 - Board Meetings)
Like all other visitors, media representatives must register in the school office when coming on campus during school hours.
(cf. 1250 - Visits to the School)
(cf. 3515.2 - Intruders on Campus)
The Superintendent or designee shall coordinate the release of information concerning the district and the actions of the School Board. The principal or designee of each school shall provide the media with information relating to his/her school, including information about student awards, school accomplishments and events of special interest.
(cf. 9010 - Public Statements)
During crisis situations, all media inquiries shall be routed to the Superintendent or designee, who shall prepare and update an official statement responding to the particular situation as events unfold.
The district shall not release information which is private or confidential as identified by law and School Board policy or administrative regulation.
(cf. 1340 - Access to District Records)
(cf. 5125 - Student Records; Confidentiality)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
District strategies for effective use of online social media may be incorporated into the district's comprehensive communications plan; see BP 1100 - Communication with the Public.
The School Board recognizes the value of technology such as social media platforms in promoting community involvement and collaboration. The purpose of any official district social media platform shall be to further the district's vision and mission, support student learning and staff professional development, and enhance communication with students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members.
(cf. 0000 - Concepts and Roles)
(cf. 1100 - Communication with the Public)
(cf. 1112 - Media Relations)
(cf. 4170/4270/4370 - District Issued Portable Technology)
(cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement)
(cf. 6145.5 - Student Organizations and Equal Access)
(cf. 6161.5 - Web Sites/Pages)
The Superintendent or designee shall develop content guidelines and protocols for official district social media platforms to ensure the appropriate and responsible use of these resources and compliance with law, Board policy, and regulation.
Guidelines for Content
Official district social media platforms shall be used only for their stated purposes and in a manner consistent with this policy and administrative regulation. By creating these official sites and allowing for public comment, the Board does not intend to create a limited public forum or otherwise guarantee an individual's right to free speech.
(cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression)
(cf. 6145.5 - Student Organizations and Equal Access)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the limited purpose of the official district social media platforms is clearly communicated to users. Each site shall contain a statement that specifies the site's purposes, along with a statement that users are expected to use the site only for those purposes. Each site shall also contain a statement that users are personally responsible for the content of their posts.
Official district social media platforms may not contain content that is obscene, libelous, or so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school's orderly operation.
(cf. 5131 - Conduct)
Staff or students who post prohibited content shall be subject to discipline in accordance with district policies and administrative regulations.
(cf. 4118 - Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
(cf. 4119.21/4219.21/4319.21 - Code of Ethics)
(cf. 4170/4270/4370 - District Issued Portable Technology (cf. 4218 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
(cf. 5144 - Discipline)
(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion)
(cf. 6161.4 - Internet)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that copyright laws are not violated in the use of material
on official district social media platforms.
(cf. 4132/4232/4332 - Publication or Creation of Materials) (cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that official district social media platforms are regularly monitored. Staff members responsible for monitoring content may remove posts based on viewpoint- neutral considerations, such as lack of relation to the site's purpose or violation of the district's policy, regulation, or content guidelines.
Each official district social media platform shall prominently display:
- The purpose of the site, along with a statement that users are expected to use the site only for those intended purposes.
- Information on how to use the security settings of the social media platform.
- A statement that the site is regularly monitored and that any inappropriate post will be promptly removed. Inappropriate posts include those that:
a. Are obscene, libelous, or so incite students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school's orderly operation
- b. Are not related to the stated purpose of the site, including, but not limited to, comments of a commercial nature, political activity, and comments that constitute discrimination or harassment
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 1325 - Advertising and Promotion)
4. Protocols for users, including expectations that users will communicate in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner.
5. A statement that users are personally responsible for the content of their posts and that the district is not responsible for the content of external online platforms.
6. A disclaimer that the views and comments expressed on the site are those of the users and do not necessarily reflect the views of the district.
7. A disclaimer that any user's reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by the district.
8. The individual(s) to contact regarding violation of district guidelines on the use of official district social media platforms.
Appropriate Use by District Employees
District employees who participate in official district social media platforms shall adhere to all applicable district policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, professional standards related to interactions with students.
(cf. 4119.21/4219.21/4319.21 - Code of Ethics) (cf. 6161.4 - Internet)
When appropriate, employees using official district social media platforms shall identify themselves by name and district title and include a disclaimer stating that the views and opinions expressed in their post are theirs alone and do not necessarily represent those of the district or school.
All staff shall receive information about appropriate use of the official district social media platforms.
(cf. 4131/4231/4331 - Staff Development)
Added 3/2012
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board encourages community involvement in the schools as an essential element of effective schools. The School Board and administration shall provide an opportunity for the input of parents and interested community members on School Board agenda items.
(cf. 9320 - Meetings)
(cf. 9321 - Closed Meetings)
(cf. 9322 - Agenda/Meeting Materials)
(cf. 9323 - Meeting Conduct)
(cf. 9323.2 - Actions by Board) Revised 9/97
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The responsibility of the School Board is the management and control of the district's schools. The XSchool Board's prime functions are the formulation of policies and the judgment of results. Its ultimate goal is the maintenance and upgrading of the educational standards and facilities so that the best possible education will be available to the children of the community.
(cf. 9300 - Governance)
The local school district has been created as a unit of state government. The School Board is, therefore, responsible to the local community and to the state government. The School Board may take a public position on legislation which will directly affect the education program within the community.
Members of the School Board individually will refer compliments, suggestions and constructive criticism about operational matters directly to the Superintendent or designee for appropriate consideration and action. Comments affecting policy will be routed through regular channels to the School Board meeting agenda for consideration by the School Board as a whole.
(cf. 1312 - Public Complaints Concerning the Schools)
(cf. 9000 - Role of the School Board and Members) (cf. 9010 - Public Statements)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes that individuals and organizations deserve recognition when they provide contributions or longstanding service to the district. The School Board believes that commending such service promotes increased community understanding and participation.
(cf. 1700 - Relations between Private Industry and the Schools)
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures by which School Board members, employees or members of the community may suggest persons or organizations for School Board recognition. At the School Board's discretion, letters of recognition, School Board resolutions, plaques or awards may be presented.
The School Board encourages similar forms of recognition for achievement or services as part of school-level commendation programs.
(cf. 4156-2 - Awards and Recognition)
(cf. 5126 - Awards for Achievement)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Any School Board member, employee, parent/guardian, student or community member may submit the name of an individual or organization to the Superintendent or designee for School Board recognition.
Persons proposing the recognition of an individual or organization shall also indicate a suggested type of recognition which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Plaques or awards, to be presented at a School Board meeting, for providing the district or community with special, unusual or long-term assistance.
School Board Resolution, to be read at a School Board meeting, for distinguished service to children and youth.
Letter of Recognition, to be prepared by the Superintendent or designee on behalf of the School Board, for significant achievement and/or service by groups such as the basketball team, choir, band, and parent/guardian/community organizations
Receptions and other informal recognition activities.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
School Board members recognize the need to seek ideas and opinions from the residents of the district and to incorporate community views into the deliberations and decisions of the School Board. In furthering this goal, the School Board may adopt a resolution that an advisory question relating to education be placed on the next election ballot. The School Board, staff, students, and members of the community are encouraged to provide input in the formulation of advisory questions. Legal Reference:
14.08.71 Elections; advisory votes
Added 9/97
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that citizen advisory committees enable both citizens and educators to better understand the attitudes and opinions held in the school and community.
As the need arises, the School Board may establish citizen advisory committees to consider school problems, needs and issues. Advisory committees shall serve in a strictly advisory capacity and shall not act as policy-making bodies.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management/Site Councils)
Committee members shall represent a cross section of qualified people throughout the district, except in those cases where a committee is established to address the needs of a particular segment of the school community. With School Board approval, the Superintendent or designee may appoint committee members.
When committees are appointed, committee members shall receive a written statement including, but not be limited to:
The committee members' names.
The specific charges of the committee, including its topic(s) for study or well-defined area(s) of activity.
The specific period of time that the committee is expected to serve.
Legal requirements regarding meeting conduct and public notifications.
Resources available to help the committee complete its tasks.
Timelines for progress reports and/or final report.
Relevant School Board policies and administrative regulations.
The procedure to be used in the selection of the committee chairperson and other committee officers.
The School Board shall have the sole power to dissolve any of its advisory committees and may exercise this power at any time.
Citizen advisory committees established by School Board action shall provide public notice of their meetings and conduct such meetings in accordance with the state open meetings laws for such committees. All major conclusions and recommendations made by advisory committees shall be made available to the public in writing.
(cf. 9130 - School Board Committees)
Administrative Advisory Committees
The Superintendent or designee may establish citizen advisory committees to advise the administration.
The Superintendent or designee shall inform the School Board when such committees are established and shall describe their charges, size, term of office, and membership. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the School Board of the persons appointed to such committees and any changes in committee membership or charge.
The Superintendent or designee shall provide the School Board with a final report of each committee's accomplishments and shall provide summary reports and appraisals of administrative advisory committees as requested by the School Board.
(cf. 2230- Representative and Deliberative Groups)
Expenses, Travel, Reimbursement
The School Board may allocate funds for the use of advisory committees. Within budget allocations, the Superintendent or designee may approve requests for travel associated with the charge of the committee and reimburse committee members for expenses at the same rates and under the same conditions as those provided for district employees.
(cf. 4133/4233 - Travel; Reimbursement)
Legal Reference:
14.08.115 Advisory school boards in regional educational attendance areas
14.12.35 Advisory school boards in borough school districts
14.14.250 -14.14.310 Involvement of Young People in School Governance
Revised 1/04
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that parents/guardians may wish to organize clubs for the purpose of supporting the educational program and/or extracurricular programs such as athletic teams, debate teams, and musical groups. The School Board supports such activities and welcomes parental interest and participation. Parent/guardian clubs shall be especially careful not to seek advantages for the activities they support if those advantages might be detrimental to the entire school program.
The School Board recognizes that these organizations are independent of the school or district. In order to protect the district and students, the Superintendent or designee shall establish appropriate controls for the relationship between such organizations and the district. Groups desiring to be recognized as school-connected organizations shall request authorization from the School Board in accordance with conditions established in administrative regulations.
(cf. 1321 - Solicitation of Funds)
(cf. 3290 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests) Revised 9/97
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Requests for recognition as a school-connected organization shall contain:
The name of the organization.
The date of application.
Membership quotas or qualifications.
The names, addresses and phone numbers of all officers. A brief description of the organization's purpose.
A list of specific annual objectives.
The name of the bank where the group's account will be located and the names of those authorized to withdraw funds.
The signature of a Principal who supports the request for authorization.
Desired use for any money remaining at the end of the year if the organization is not continued or authorized to continue in the future.
Evidence of liability insurance.
(cf. 1330 - Use of School Facilities)
Authorizations shall be automatically renewed each year. The Superintendent or designee may recommend that authorizations be revoked by the School Board if considered necessary.
Any program, fund-raiser or other activity sponsored by parent/guardian clubs shall be authorized and conducted according to School Board policy, administrative regulations and school rules.
Announcements of events and related parent/guardian permission slips shall clearly indicate that the activity or event is sponsored by the parent/guardian organization, not by the school or district.
(cf. 1325 - Advertising and Promotions)
(cf. 3541.1 - Transportation: School-Related Trips)
School-connected organizations shall present the Superintendent or designee an annual financial statement showing all expenditures and all income from fund-raisers. School-connected organizations automatically grant the district the right to audit their financial records at any time, either by district personnel or by a CPA.
Revised 9/97
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that volunteer assistance in schools can enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, and contribute to school safety while strengthening the schools’ relationships with the community. The Board encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge and abilities with our students.
The Superintendent or designee may authorize the use of volunteers. The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations to protect the safety of both students and volunteers.
All persons who wish to volunteer service with or around students must undergo a background check.
Like employees and students, volunteers shall act in accordance with district policies and regulations.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 5141.42 – Professional Boundaries of Staff with Students)
(cf. 4112.5 / 4212.5 / 4312.5 – All Personnel Security Check)
Adopted 1/2023
Revised 08/2024
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
NOTE: The Yukon Flats School District from time to time provides opportunities for members of the community to volunteer services to the school district. However, the school district does not provide liability insurance coverage to non-district personnel serving in voluntary positions with the school district. The purpose of this waiver is to provide notice to prospective volunteers that they do not have insurance coverage by the school district and to document the volunteer's acknowledgement that they are providing volunteer service at their own risk.
By executing this waiver, the volunteer:
Acknowledges that the Yukon Flats School District does not provide insurance coverage for the volunteer for loss, injuries, illness, or death resulting from the volunteer's unpaid service to the school district;
Agrees to assume all risk for death or any loss, injury, illness or damage, of any nature or kind, arising out of the volunteer's supervised or unsupervised service to the school district;
Agrees to waive any and all claims against the Yukon Flats School District, or its officers, School Board members, employees, agents or assigns, for loss due to death, injury, illness or damage of any kind arising out of the volunteer's supervised or unsupervised service to the school district.
Agrees that this waiver is effective whether the death, loss, damage, illness or injury is the result of the negligent, intentional or unintentional acts of the district, any district employee, officer, School Board member, or agent, or that of any other volunteer working for, or on behalf of the Yukon Flats School District, and further agrees to waive any and all claims against the school district, of any nature of kind, for damages arising out of the volunteer's service to the school district.
By my signature below, I hereby certify that I have carefully read this waiver, and that I am making this waiver knowingly, without coercion or duress.
______________________ _________________________________
Date Signature of Volunteer
_______________________ _________________________________
Printed Name of Volunteer Witnessed by
Revised 9/97
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board encourages parents/guardians and interested members of the community to visit the schools to learn about, observe, or partner in educational and extracurricular programs. The Superintendent or designee shall invite parents/guardians and the community to open house activities, specific volunteer roles, and other special events. Announcements of these events shall have wide dissemination in the community.
(cf. 1110 – Media Relations)
Visitors are encouraged to demonstrate the highest standard of conduct and courtesy to help create positive learning environments and to comply with all policies within the school.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to facilitate visits during regular school days and register all visitors at the school office when entering school grounds. Procedures for school visits will be posted in readily available locations such as the district website and in parent newsletters.
(cf. 0411 – Service Animals)
The Board recognizes the staff time and commitment required for school visits and encourages the staff to develop practices to support community participation and to accommodate as many requests for visits as possible. To ensure minimum interruption of the instructional program, visits during school hours should be first arranged with the teacher and principal or designee. If a conference is desired, an appointment should be set with the teacher during noninstructional time.
(cf. 3515 – School Safety and Security)
(cf. 3515.2 – Intruders on Campus) Revised 3/19
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Board believes the school and community should work as a unified whole in the process of educating students enrolled in the District. Understanding community values and priorities are important to the ongoing success of the educational program. Staff members should be respectful of community values in their contacts with the community.
(cf. 5137 - Positive School Climate)
(cf. 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs) (cf. 6141.3 – Culturally Responsive Education)
The quality of a school program is related to staff understanding of local culture and traditions, parents’ wishes for their children, and public understanding of the District’s goals and methods for education.
Strong school-community relationships require cooperative development and maintenance of efficient two-way channels of communication between the school and the community. This communication should be fostered through dialogue, input, and feedback.
District communications with the public should meet the following goals:
- inform the public about the work of the schools;
- improve the partnership of parents and teachers in meeting the educational needs of students;
- develop awareness of the importance of culture in education;
- integrate the home, school, and community in improving educational opportunities;
- clarify the aims, objectives, and work of the school;
- make school facilities and personnel available for community use, within limits set by the Board; and
- make use of community resources in carrying out the educational program.
(cf. 5124 –Communication with Parents/Guardians)
The School Board encourages affiliation of school personnel with community organizations having missions consistent with that of the District, and encourages participation of school staff in appropriate community activities and projects.
(cf. 6145.5 – Organizations/Associations)
Added 3/2019
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board places trust in its employees and desires to support their actions in such manner that employees are free from unwarranted, spiteful or negative criticism and complaints. The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures which will permit the public to lodge complaints or criticism against staff members, assure full consideration, and protect the rights of the staff members and the district. Verbal complaints against an employee initially made to a School Board member, Advisory School Board member, or at a School Board meeting will be referred to the Superintendent or designee for appropriate consideration and action.
The District will respond to complaints concerning school personnel, investigate as appropriate, and take action as may be necessary or advisable to resolve the concern. Complaints should follow the complaint filing and resolution process set forth in administrative regulation.
The process for complaints concerning school personnel will be administered in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner on behalf of both the complainant and the personnel involved.
(cf. 1312 - Public Complaints Concerning the Schools)
(cf. 4112.6 - Personnel Records)
(cf. 9323 - Meeting Conduct)
This policy shall not apply when a public complaint involves accusations of child abuse. When a school employee is accused of child abuse, it shall be investigated by proper authorities in accordance with child abuse laws.
cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse and Neglect (Reporting Procedures))
(cf. 5141.42 - Professional Boundaries for staff and students) Legal Reference:
44.62.310 Government meetings public
Revised 10/2021
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board seeks to ensure that complaints by the public are addressed equitably, regardless of ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious or cultural preferences, familial status, or socioeconomic background, of the complainant or the personnel at issue. In order to promote fair and constructive communication, the following procedures shall govern the resolution of complaints. Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage.
Individuals are encouraged to attempt to verbally resolve concerns with the staff member directly.
In order to ensure fair and equitable access to the complaint process, the district may assist a complainant in the complaint process and resolution efforts. Assistance can include, but is not limited to, cultural support, age appropriate support, and disability accommodation that will assist complainants with oral and written communications related to the complaint and resolution processes.
All written complaints regarding district personnel, other than administrators, shall be initially filed with the principal or immediate supervisor. If the complaint regards a principal or central office administrator, the written complaint shall be initially filed with the Superintendent or designee. If the written complaint concerns the Superintendent or designee, it shall be initially filed with the School Board President. If the complaint is also against the district, the principal or designee shall provide a copy of the complaint to the district compliance officer so that appropriate procedures may be followed.
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally by the persons involved, the complainant may submit the complaint in writing to the appropriate individual as identified in the paragraph immediately above.
When necessary, the district shall assist in the preparation of the written complaint so as to meet the requirements of this regulation. The administrative staff shall inform the complainant that such assistance is available if he/she is unable to prepare the written complaint without assistance. A written complaint must include the name of each employee involved and a brief but specific summary of the complaint and the facts surrounding it. It must also include a specific description of any prior attempts to discuss the complaint with the employee involved and the failure to resolve the matter.
The principal or immediate supervisor shall investigate and attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the person(s) involved. If the complaint is resolved, the principal will so advise all concerned parties, including the Superintendent or designee.
If the complaint remains unresolved after review by the principal or the immediate supervisor, the principal shall refer the written complaint, together with a report and analysis of the situation, to the Superintendent or designee. Complainants should consider and accept the Superintendent or designee's decision as final.
Except when a complaint is directed against the Superintendent or designee, no party to a complaint may address the School Board. School Board members shall make every effort to not prejudice themselves by listening to or discussing the matter of the complaint with any other School Board members, staff, students or public prior to receiving the Superintendent’s report and formally meeting as a Board on the issue.
All parties to a complaint, including the school administration, may be asked by the School Board to attend a School Board meeting, or part of such meeting, for the purpose of presenting all available evidence and allowing every opportunity for explaining and clarifying the issue. The decision of the School Board following the hearing shall be final. Complaints before the School Board concerning an employee that may tend to be prejudicial to the employee's reputation or character shall be addressed in executive session of the School Board.
(cf. 9321 - Executive Sessions)
The district should make sure that complaints heard in executive session are indeed complaints against an employee, not against district practice or procedures.
Revised 3/2021
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board takes great care in the adoption of instructional materials and is aware that all adopted materials may not be acceptable to all students, their parents/guardians, or other district residents. The School Board shall strive to adopt instructional materials that refrain from cultural biases or perspectives that promote discrimination or socioeconomic disparity based on race, ethnicity, religious or cultural beliefs, disability, familial status, sexual identification or sexual orientation. The school board will strive, when possible, to incorporate culturally responsive materials and materials that support students’ cultural identity and local knowledge.
(cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials)
(cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials)
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures which will permit the equitable and transparent consideration of any complaints against the use of any instructional materials, including textbooks, supplementary textbooks, library books, and other instructional materials and equipment.
(cf. 1312.3 - Public Complaint Concerning Discrimination)
The School Board expects and trusts the Superintendent and staff are well qualified to consider complaints concerning instructional materials. The Superintendent or designee’s decision is the final response from the district administration. However, if the complainant finds the decision of the Superintendent or designee unsatisfactory, he/she may request that the matter be placed on the agenda of a regular School Board meeting. The request shall be made in writing and addressed to the President of the Board of Education as well as the Superintendent or designee.
The administration or School Board's decision in any such case will be based on educational suitability and will not be influenced by a desire to suppress information or deny students access to ideas with which the administration or School Board disagrees.
(cf. 6144 - Controversial Issues)
Revised 3/2019
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Complaints concerning instructional materials will be accepted only from staff, district residents, or the parents/guardians of children enrolled in a district school.
Complaints must be presented in writing to the principal on the appropriate district form. Complaints regarding printed material must specify the precise nature of the objection. The statement must be signed and identified in such a way that a proper reply will be possible.
Individual students may be excused from using challenged materials after the parent/guardian has presented a written complaint. The teacher will then assign the student alternate materials of equal merit. Use of the materials by a class, school or the district, however, shall not be restricted until so directed by the Superintendent or designee.
Upon receiving a complaint, the principal will acknowledge its receipt and answer any questions regarding procedure. The principal will then notify the Superintendent or designee and the teacher(s) involved of the complaint. The Superintendent or designee will determine whether the complaint should be considered on an individual basis or whether a review committee should be convened.
The use of challenged materials by class, school or district shall not be restricted until final disposition has been made by the district.
A review committee may be formed under the direction of the Superintendent or designee. It shall be composed of five or more staff members selected by the Superintendent or designee from relevant administrative and instructional areas.
In deliberating challenged materials, the review committee shall consider the educational philosophy of the district; the professional opinions of other teachers of the subject and of other competent authorities; reviews of the materials by reputable bodies; the teacher's stated objectives in using the materials; and the objections of the complainant.
The review committee shall determine the extent to which the challenged material supports the curriculum, the educational appropriateness of the material, and its suitability for the age level of the student.
Within 30 days of being convened, the review committee shall summarize its findings in a written report and submit it to the Superintendent or designee for final action. The Superintendent or designee shall notify the complainant of his/her decision no later than 60 days after the complaint was filed.
The report of the review committee together with the Superintendent or designee's recommendation may be brought to the School Board for consideration and final decision.
When any challenged instructional material is reviewed by the district, it shall not be subject to any additional reconsideration for 12 months.
State-Adopted Material
If the challenged material has been adopted by the State Board of Education, the Superintendent
designee may forward the complaint, without action, to the Department of Education and Early Development for reevaluation and decision.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board expects that federal programs provided for in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) will be properly administered in the district to support and improve the quality of the educational program. The district will review and resolve complaints alleging violations of the law in administering education programs required by the ESEA.
The School Board encourages complainants to resolve problems early and informally whenever possible. If a problem remains unresolved, the individual should submit a written complaint as early as possible in accordance with appropriate district procedures. District procedures shall be readily accessible to the public.
(cf. 1312.1 - Public Complaints Concerning School Personnel)
(cf. 1312.2 - Public Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 1312.3 - Public Complaints Concerning Discrimination)
Legal Reference:
14.03.123 - School and district accountability
4 AAC 06.560 - 06.580 Violations; Prohibition against sex discrimination
4 AAC 06.888 - Informal reviewof complaints
4 AAC 52.500 - 52.629 Procedural safeguards; Education for exceptional children
20 U.S.C. 7844, -- General applicability of state educational agency assurances
Added 3/2015
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Informal Review of Complaints
The following procedures will govern the receipt and resolution of complaints.
Filing a Complaint
Any district resident may file a written complaint alleging that the district has failed to comply with the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as set forth at 20 USC 6301-7941; or with school and district accountability requirements set forth at AS 14.03.123 and 4 AAC 06.800-899. The complaint must be submitted to the Superintendent.
In order to be reviewed, the complaint must include the following:
- A statement describing the provision of law that the school or district has allegedly violated;
- A statement of the facts supporting the alleged violation;
- The name and address of the complainant; and
- A description and documentation of prior efforts to resolve the concern informally.
If a complainant is unable to put a complaint in writing due to a disability, or reading or language barriers, district staff shall assist him/her to file the complaint.
Investigation of Complaint
Within five business days after receiving the complaint, the Superintendent will assign an investigator to conduct an informal review of the complaint. The investigator will be an employee of the district, may not have taken part in the action that is the subject of the complaint, and may not have a personal or financial interest in the subject matter of the complaint.
The investigator may conduct interviews of the complainant and district employees, and may request information and documents necessary to complete a review of the complaint. The complainant and district employees are expected to fully cooperate with the investigation.
Written Recommendation
Within 60 days after the date the complaint was assigned to the investigator, the investigator shall submit to the Superintendent and the complainant, a written recommendation setting forth one of the following determinations:
- The complainant did not provide complete information for the investigator to review and therefore the Superintendent need not respond to the complaint. This finding does not bar the Superintendent from taking additional action based on the information already received; nor does it preclude the complainant from submitting a new complaint with the additional information, or from pursuing remedies available under state or federal law.
- The complainant's allegations, even if true, do not establish a violation of 20 USC 6301-7941, AS 14.03.123, or 4 AAC 06.800-899 and therefore the Superintendent need not respond to the complaint. This finding does not bar the Superintendent from rejecting the investigator's recommendation and taking additional action; nor does it bar the complainant from pursuing remedies available under state or federal law.
- A violation of 20 USC 6301-7941, AS 14.03.123, or 4 AAC 06.800-899 is likely to have occurred, based on information available to the investigator, and that the Superintendent should take action to correct or stop the violation. This finding does not bar the Superintendent from rejecting or declining to act upon the investigator's recommendation; nor does it bar the complainant from pursuing remedies available under state or federal law.
The written recommendation will also advise the complainant of his or her right to file a complaint with the Department of Education and Early Development under the procedures set forth at 4 AAC 06.888.
No Reprisals
Neither the complainant, the investigator, nor any other individual cooperating in the investigation shall be subject to retaliation or reprisals. An employee who engages in retaliation is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Added 3/2015
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that parents, legal guardians, and other adults may misunderstand or disagree with the policies of the district or the actions of its employees. The School Board expects the staff and administration to respond to such concerns in a polite and professional manner. The School Board also expects that parents and other adults will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in their efforts to pursue such matters, including use of the district's complaint procedures.
In resolving such concerns, a safe and orderly learning environment in which teachers can teach and students can learn must be maintained. The School Board does not condone having its employees subject to name calling, defamation of character, threats or coercion of any kind. Adults who violate these standards of conduct shall be instructed to conduct themselves in a proper manner or to leave school district property. Should an individual refuse to follow these instructions in a prompt and orderly manner, the Superintendent, principal, or designee is authorized to call law enforcement agencies for assistance to have the individual removed and charges may be filed for willful disruption of the school. Other charges which are applicable may also be filed at the discretion of the administrator.
(cf. 1260 - Visits to the Schools)
(cf. 3515 - School Safety and Security) (cf. 3515.2 - Intruders on Campus)
(cf. 1312 - Public Complaints Concerning the Schools)
(cf. 1312.1 - Public Complaints Concerning School Personnel) (cf. 5131.4 - Campus Disturbances)
Legal Reference:
AS 11.61.110 Disorderly Conduct AS 11.61.120 Harassment
Added 9/98
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that participation in fund-raising for worthwhile purposes can help students develop a sense of social responsibility and promote a sense of belonging.
(cf. 1320 - Relations Between the Public and Students)
When approved in advance by the School Board, funds may be solicited or materials distributed for those nonprofit, nonpartisan charitable organizations that are properly chartered or licensed by state or federal law.
With the approval of the Superintendent or designee, school-related organizations may organize fund- raising events involving students. The Superintendent or designee shall inform parents/guardians of the purpose of fund-raisers sponsored by schools or school groups.
(cf. 3452 - Student Activity Funds)
(cf. 1230 - School-Connected Organizations)
(cf. 3290 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests)
Whether solicitations are made on behalf of the school or on behalf of a charitable organization, the School Board particularly desires that no person be made to feel uncomfortable or pressured to provide funds. Staff are expected to emphasize the fact that donations are always voluntary.
The Superintendent or designee may limit fund-raising activities in order to prevent interference with the instructional program or to protect students from dangerous or unsafe situations. No students shall be barred from an activity because they did not participate in fund-raising activities.
Revised 9/97
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
All selling or soliciting activities must be approved at least 15 days before the activity. All fund-raising activities must be concluded within the duration of 30 school days unless special provisions are made with the Superintendent or designee. If the event involves a contract with a commercial vendor, the contract shall be approved by the Superintendent or designee. The sponsor of fund-raisers involving students shall be identified in all solicitations.
Instructional Safeguards
The principal or designee shall limit fund-raising activities to appropriate time periods. The principal or designee shall ensure that parents/guardians are informed about school fund-raising activities.
Individual awards or other incentives which identify donors/participants shall not be used. No student shall be required to raise a specified amount of money in order to participate in an activity sponsored by a school-related organization.
Students making solicitations on behalf of the school or for school-related projects are expected to be courteous and respectful towards all individuals and businesses, whatever the outcome of the solicitation may be.
Student Safety
Students shall comply with all school safety rules. Students in grades K-6 shall not be involved in any door-to-door sales or solicitations.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that educational and personal values accrue from student participation in civic and community affairs. The Superintendent or designee may authorize public performances by students when they contribute to the educational process and are consistent with School Board policies and administrative regulations.
(cf. 0100 - Philosophy)
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 1321 - Solicitation of Funds From and By Students)
(cf. 1325 - Advertising and Promotion)
(cf. 1330 - Use of School Facilities)
(cf. 6115 - Ceremonies and Observances)
(cf. 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs)
(cf. 6145 - Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The principal or designee shall ensure that public performances by students comply with related School Board policies and administrative regulations. Students may, with the permission of the principal, participate in public events which:
Are sponsored by the schools or district or school-connected organizations on behalf of the schools.
Are organized by non-profit organizations for worthwhile purposes, such as promoting educational, recreational or character-building activities, cultural awareness, public safety, or charitable fund-raising.
Are public events of community, district, state or national interest of sufficient breadth to enlist general sympathy and cooperation or in recognition of special days of observance.
School groups may not participate in events that fall into any of the following classifications:
Events that are for the purpose of private gain or for the advertising of commercial projects or products.
Events that are primarily for the furtherance of any politically-partisan interest. Events that are primarily for the furtherance of any sectarian concern.
Events that cause an undue amount of interference with the regular school program or that cause an excessive amount of absence due to rehearsal or preparation.
Educational events in which the schools serve as hosts or co-sponsors shall have priority in scheduling appearances. The principal or designee shall make appropriate instructional arrangements related to scheduling student performances and to providing make-up opportunities for student absences.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Public Information
The School Board desires to cooperate in publicizing community services, special events and public meetings of interest to students and parents/guardians. The Superintendent or designee may approve the publicity of public events or distribution of promotional materials which extend cultural, recreational, artistic or educational opportunities to the community and which do not promote any particular commercial interest.
(cf. 0100 - Purpose)
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 1321 - Solicitation of Funds from and by Students)
(cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression: Publications Code) (cf. 6145.5 - Student Organizations and Equal Access)
(cf. 6162.8 - Research)
Paid Advertisements
School-sponsored publications, announcements, radio and television programs shall not accept paid advertising or promotional material.
The district shall not accept advertising copy which:
Is obscene, libelous, or slanderous, or which incites students to commit unlawful acts, violate
school rules, or disrupt the school's orderly operation.
Attacks or denigrates any group on account of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.
Promotes the use or sale of materials or services which are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives. Ads for tobacco, intoxicants, and x-rated movies or products shall not be used.
Announces the meetings of non-curricular student-initiated groups, unless an open forum has been established for such groups pursuant to federal law.
The district will not unlawfully discriminate against advertisers who meet the requirements of School
Board policy and administrative regulations and procedures.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
Revised 1/09
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The principal or designee shall review advertising and promotional material to be distributed through the schools to ensure that it complies with the provisions of School Board policy and administrative regulations prior to approving the dissemination of such information. Authorized material/information may be disseminated through school-sponsored publications or by students on a voluntary basis.
All advertising and promotional information distributed through the schools shall identify the name and contact location of the sponsoring group. All surveys or questionnaires requiring student or parent/guardian response must have prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
District services and activities involving commercial products will not include the distribution of unsolicited merchandise for which an ensuing payment is requested.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes commercials in the educational program are intrusive and are not in the best interests of our students. Commercials are not part of our students' compulsory education and do not merit the same attention and trust as is accorded to educational materials. School time shall not be used for the promotion of commercial products.
Schools are established and maintained with funds allocated specifically for education, and class time shall be dedicated entirely to educational purposes. Advertisements may be studied, however, as part of the consumer education curriculum.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School believes that the schools belong to the citizens of the community and that community use
of the school facilities fosters understanding and support for school programs.
The School Board recognizes that when schools encourage and welcome community elders during and after the school day, this supports continued learning opportunities between youth and older generations.
The School Board shall make school facilities and grounds available to citizens and community groups for lawful gatherings and assemblies to the extent that such use serves the interests of the citizens and does not conflict with school or district purposes. The Superintendent or designee shall establish administrative regulations governing the reasonable and impartial use of school facilities and grounds by community members or groups.
(cf. 0100 – Philosophy)
(cf. 0430 – Community School Program)
(cf. 6145.5 – Organizations/Associations) Legal Reference:
04.16.080 – Sales or consumption at school events
14.03.100 – Use of school facilities
Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. 7905.
Revised 4/2022
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Facility Use Restrictions
- Facility users must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, City and Borough ordinances, school district policies and rules, and rental agreement conditions.
- Use or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs is prohibited. (AS 04.16.080)
- Facility use that represents a safety or security risk to the district is prohibited.
- No partisan, sectarian or denominational doctrine may be advocated in school facilities during the hours the school is in session.
- After use of partisan or religious activities, each group or individual shall police the use area to ensure that partisan or religious information, literature, papers, or documents of any kind are removed from the facility use area.
- Facility users are not to operate any school equipment or use facility areas other than that stipulated in the facility use request.
(cf. 0410 – Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
Facility Use Requests and Application Procedures
Requests for approval to use school facilities shall be approved whenever possible. However, the district reserves the right to reassign the requested space or any facility use for reasons of building security, maintenance requirements, fuel economics, and appropriateness of the activity for the area requested.
School district approval to use school facilities will be given impartially to individuals and groups. In weighing competing requests for the use of school facilities, preference shall be given in the following order:
- In-school uses (clubs, class events, etc.).
- Contracted uses.
- School support groups and youth groups.
- Public agencies and public affairs groups.
- Community recreational and cultural events.
- Community religious or special interest events.
- Private, nonschool-connected classes and educational events.
- Profit-making or commercial events, out-of-town groups, etc.
Groups or persons using school facilities under the provisions of this policy shall be liable for any property damages caused by the activity. The Board shall charge the amount necessary to repair the damages and may deny the group further use of school facilities.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to process requests to use school facilities or grounds in accordance with district policies and regulations, preserve order in school buildings and on school grounds, and protect school facilities.
Shop Use - Position Statement:
It is the belief of the district that all of its facilities are primarily constructed for the benefit of school age children. It is likewise realized that community use of school facilities enhances the overall attitude and educational development of the school community.
Some facilities within the school can be used with little or minimal cost to the district. Other facilities, such as the vocational shop, are expensive to maintain. In addition, whenever power tools are used, there is always the danger of personal injury, thereby increasing the potential liability of the district.
In order to maintain shops and shop equipment, the district has developed the following shop use plans.
- School related groups or individuals will be permitted reasonable use of shop facilities without charge.
- Where feasible, community school shop usage will be coordinated with the site administrator.
- In all situations, a supervisor approved by the site administrator shall be present. The groups or individuals using the shop facility will be responsible for the damage or loss to building or equipment. Any deviation from policy within this paragraph shall be only with the approval of the site administrator. Fees may be charged at the discretion of the site administrator.
- Groups or individuals receiving permission are restricted to the dates and hours approved and to the building area and facilities specified, unless requested changes are approved by the site administrator and CSC.
- Groups receiving permission are responsible for the judicious observance of local and state fire and safety regulations at all times.
- The use of alcoholic beverages, profane language, or gambling in any form is not permitted in school buildings. Smoking within the building is not permitted.
- Tools, both hand and power, are not to be removed from the immediate school premises.
- It is recommended that the CSC develop further rules and regulations that apply to a specific building site.
- Individuals shall successfully complete an equipment safety test prior to using the shop.
- Usage of school materials is prohibited.
Revised 3/2019
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that the loss of a member of the school community has a great impact on students, staff, and families. Furthermore, the School Board recognizes that decisions made about memorials immediately after traumatic events may not take into full consideration the potential impacts for students, staff, and community members. The purpose of this policy is to assist staff, students and families impacted by a death by providing guidelines for decision-making regarding memorials and memorializing activities. "Memorials" mean objects or activities meant to remember an event or deceased person(s).
The focus of a school is to support students in their learning. This may necessarily include support for students and staff who are grieving a loss of a member of the school community. Memorials, though, can be an ongoing reminder of a traumatic event and can be impossible for students to avoid when located on school property.
(cf. 1330 - Use of School Facilities)
Therefore, permanent memorials for deceased students or staff shall be limited in form to perpetual awards, scholarships or collections of books or items of historical or educational significance.
Temporary school-wide memorials for deceased students or staff may include plaques or other displays which shall contain "in memory of," or similar language, and the deceased individual's name, date of birth and date of death. Memorials shall be limited to one per loss. Temporary memorials shall be removed from display at the end of the school year in which the death occurred and given to the family of the deceased.
This policy will guide decisions moving forward from the date of first adoption and will not impact previous memorials. The guidelines regarding memorials will be kept in each building and in the office of the superintendent. Persons who have questions, comments or concerns should contact the Superintendent or designee.
Added 3/2016
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that state policy provides broad public access to district records. Public access shall not be given to records exempt from public disclosure by state or federal law or by the Board based on the need of the district to maintain confidential information.
(cf. 3580 – District Records)
(cf. 4112.6/4212.6/4312.6 – Personnel Records)
(cf. 4119.23/4219.23/4319.23 – Unauthorized Release of Confidential Information)
(cf. 5125 – Student Records; Confidentiality)
(cf. 9011 – Disclosure of Confidential Information) (cf. 9321 – Closed Sessions)
Any person shall have reasonable access, during regular business hours, to the public records of the schools and district. The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations to authorize and facilitate public access to district records in accordance with law, to protect the security of district records, and to prevent interference with regular district operations. Records shall be maintained in accordance with the State of Alaska Model Records Retention Schedule for Alaska School Districts.
The district may charge for copies of public records or other materials requested by individuals or groups. The charge, based on actual costs of duplication, shall be determined by the Superintendent or designee.
Legal Reference:
40.25.120 - .220 Public Records Act
14.03.115 Access to school records by parent, foster parent, or guardian
14.14.090 Additional duties
14.20.149 Employee evaluation
14.43.930 Scholarship program information
23.40.235 Public involvement in school district negotiations
City of Kenai v. Kenai Peninsula Newspapers, 642 P2d 1316 (Alaska 1982)
Anchorage School District v. Anchorage Daily News, 779 P2d 1191 (Alaska 1989)
1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
Revised 3/2021
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Any person may have access to and receive a copy of any identifiable public record. Requests for district records shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee. District records shall be examined in the presence of the staff member regularly responsible for their maintenance and security or his/her designee.
Public records include any writings and records except:
records of vital statistics and adoption proceedings which shall be treated in the manner
required by AS 18.50. (AS 40.25.120)
records pertaining to juveniles. (AS 40.25.120)
medical and related public health records. (AS 40.25.120)
records required to be kept confidential by a federal law or regulation or by state law, including but not limited to: (AS 40.25.120)
Personnel evaluation records (4 AAC 19.040 and AS 14.20.149).
Education records of students containing personally identifiable information. (20 U.S.C. 1232g)
Records regarding ongoing negotiations on a pending collective bargaining agreement, disclosure of which would impair the district's bargaining position. However, initial proposals, last-best-offer proposals, tentative agreements before ratification, and final agreements are all public documents which must be made available for inspection. (AS 23.40.235)
Records of contemplated purchase, lease, or acquisition of real property, or other property or services where release would impair the district's ability to obtain favorable terms in the transaction, or where the disclosure would provide the potential seller with an unfair competitive advantage.
Information obtained by the district's insurance carriers and their attorneys and agents regarding potential or pending claims against the district.
Records compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only if disclosure would interfere with enforcement proceedings, would deprive a person of a fair trial, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy, would disclose a confidential source, would disclose confidential techniques or law enforcement guidelines, or would endanger life or physical safety. (AS 40.25.120)
Library records, names, addresses, or other personal identifying information contained in school library records, except as requested by the parent/guardian. (AS 40.25.140)
When authorized, an exact copy of any identifiable public record shall be provided upon request unless it is impracticable to do so. Computer data shall be provided in a form determined by the Superintendent or designee. Copies shall be furnished at cost as determined by the Superintendent or designee.
As soon as possible upon receiving any request for a copy of records, the Superintendent or designee shall determine whether to comply with the request and shall inform the person making the request of his/her determination and the reasons for it. Any notification denying a request for public records shall state the reason for the denial and to whom the decision may be appealed.
(cf. 1312 - Complaints Concerning the Schools)
Revised 1/09
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that agencies at all levels of government share its concern and responsibility for the welfare, health and safety of our youth. The Board further recognizes that tribal governments are committed to meeting the needs of tribal students within the district. The Board and staff shall take every opportunity to work cooperatively with these agencies for the benefit of our students.
(cf. 1020 – Youth Services)
(cf. 9140 – Board Representatives) (cf. 9311 – Board Policies)
The Superintendent or designee shall initiate and maintain cooperative relationships with representatives of other public agencies, tribal governments, or tribal government educational proxies in order to help our schools and students make use of the resources which governmental agencies can provide. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that agreements with other agencies which involve the exchange of funds or reciprocal services are executed in writing so that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. The District shall make information available to parents/guardians about shared or cooperative services so that students may benefit to the fullest extent. Agreements may be shared among agencies to prevent duplicative efforts and to expedite cooperative programs and services.
(cf. 3312 – Contracts) Legal Reference:
03.20.100 Farm-to-school program
14.12.150 – 14.12.170 Regional Resource Centers
47.10.093 |
Disclosure of agency records. |
47.10.090 |
Court records |
47.12.310 |
Agency records |
Revised 3/2019
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Students and staff have a right to feel safe and secure within the school environment. The School
Board recognizes that a safe school environment can be furthered by cooperation between the district and other agencies, including law enforcement. The district will actively facilitate such cooperation, including the sharing of criminal information as allowed by law. The Superintendent or designee shall work with appropriate agencies for the sharing of information as may be necessary to protect the safety of school students and staff.
A teacher, teacher's assistant, principal, or other person responsible for students who receives information about a student that may affect the safety of students or staff, including information from other agencies, shall disclose such information in accordance with the procedures developed by the Superintendent or designee.
Staff members who, in the course of their employment, observe a student committing a crime shall report the crime to local law enforcement. The staff member shall also immediately report the crime to the Superintendent or designee.
Programs and activities designed to enrich district curriculum and to develop and promote good citizenship and a healthy attitude toward law enforcement agencies and officials will be encouraged by the district. Law enforcement participation in such programs and activities is encouraged.
Law enforcement officials may enter school facilities if a crime has been committed on district property or to investigate matters concerning staff and students upon request initiated by either agency officials or by district administrators.
(cf. 1400 - Relations between Other Governmental Agencies and the Schools) (cf. 3515 - School Safety and Security)
(cf. 5125 - Student Records)
(cf. 5142 - Safety) Legal Reference:
11.81.900 Definitions
14.12.150-14.12.170 Regional Resource Centers
14.33.120 School Disciplinary and Safety Program
14.33.130 Enforcement of Approved Program, Additional Safety Obligations
47.12.310 Agency Records
47.12.315 Public Disclosure of Information in Agency Records Relating to Certain Minors
47.10.093 Disclosure of Agency Records
47.10.090 and 47.12.300 Court Records
Revised 9/2000
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The following protocol will be followed when information regarding a student that may affect the safety of students or staff is received from law enforcement, the Office of Children Services or other agencies, or any other source:
- The Superintendent or designee is designated to receive safety information regarding students, including notices of criminal conduct. A staff member having information about a student concerning a possible threat to safety shall immediately report such information to the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent or designee will forward information from staff members or agencies to the designated administrator at the site attended by the student.
- Each site should develop a procedure for handling this information as it arrives.
- One person at each school (principal, assistant principal, or counselor) should be identified to handle the law enforcement notices.
- The confidentiality of the student must be protected and disclosure of this sensitive information is not authorized except as set forth in these procedures.
- The Principal will review the information and share on a need to know basis with appropriate staff who work closely with the student.
- These alerts should be placed in the student's cumulative folder and transferred with the student if the student moves to another school.
- If the school has other information which it thinks the law enforcement agency needs to be aware of regarding the student, this information should be relayed to the Superintendent or designee who will then forward it to the appropriate agency.
Revised 9/2000
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board encourages representatives of private industry to participate with the schools in preparing our students for challenges they will meet in the future. Working together as partners, the business community and the schools should seek to educate citizens who can contribute to the productive work force on which our economy depends.
(cf. 1150 - School Board Commendation Program
Local employers are encouraged to serve on advisory committees, help design regular, vocational and technical programs, and provide needs assessments, program evaluations, and/or staff development for school managers and teachers. Businesses may also provide classroom assistance, individual tutoring, incentive and recognition programs, work experience opportunities, apprenticeship programs and employment opportunities. The School Board recognizes that the success of business involvement depends largely upon the commitment of adequate staff resources to plan and implement such activities.
(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees
(cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance (cf. 6164.42 - Guidance Services (cf. 6178 - Vocational Education
The School Board recognizes that students especially need access to equipment that meets the requirements of an increasingly technological world and welcomes the contribution of funds or equipment to further the district's educational programs.
(cf. 3290 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests (cf. 6000 - Instruction
The School Board urges employers to further support the schools by recognizing their employees' needs as parents and by supporting parent involvement with the schools.
(cf. 1250 - Visits to the Schools
(cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual