2000 Administration
The School Board expects the administration to promote the creation of the best possible educational program and to maintain an environment conducive to learning. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the vision and educational leadership in this effort and shall give top priority to meeting the needs of all students and actively helping teachers raise academic achievement.
The School Board may employ administrative and supervisory personnel to assist in the effective management of the district. The School Board expects the Superintendent or designee to recognize, develop and use the leadership abilities of staff.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop decision-making processes which are responsive to the school community and to the specific needs of individual students. He/she shall provide means by which staff, students and parents/guardians at each school may participate in decisions related to school improvement and matters which the School Board identifies as appropriately managed at the school site level. The administration shall provide professional advice to the School Board and to citizen advisory committees.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management/Site Councils) (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)
(cf. 2230 - Representative and Deliberative Groups) (cf. 8000 - Advisory School Boards)
The School Board desires to give all administrators the authority they need in order to carry out their assigned responsibilities. The School Board shall clearly state what it expects of the Superintendent or designee and shall evaluate him/her on how well those expectations have been met. In turn, the Superintendent or designee shall clearly state what is expected of all other administrators and shall evaluate how well those expectations have been met.
(cf. 4300 - Management, Supervisory and Confidential Personnel)
(cf. 4315 - Evaluation/Supervision) (cf. 4319.3 - Duties of Personnel) Legal Reference:
14.08.111 Duties (Regional School Boards)
14.14.110 Cooperation with other districts
14.14.130 Chief School Administrator
Adopted 1/2023
Yukon Flats School District
Authority originates with the publicly elected School Board and state laws and regulations. The Superintendent or designee may delegate authority and responsibility to the administrators and staff in accordance with law and School Board policy.
The Superintendent or designee shall organize the administrative staff in a manner which best enables the district to provide an effective program of instruction. He/she may adjust staff responsibilities to accommodate the district needs and/or individual capabilities.
(cf. 2230 - Representative and Deliberative Groups) (cf. 4119.3 - Duties of Personnel)
Legal References:
14.08.111 Duties (Regional School Boards)
14.14.130 Chief school administrator
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
All schools and departments shall form a single administrative system organized so that appropriate decision-making may take place at various levels in accordance with School Board policy and administrative regulations. The Superintendent or designee shall maintain a current district organization chart, approved by the School Board, which identifies lines of primary responsibility and the relationships between district positions.
The organization chart should clarify working relationships and functions. It is not intended to indicate all the lines of communication and cooperation which must exist to create successful and effective schools. The Superintendent or designee shall insure that all personnel understand to whom they are responsible and for what functions. Lines of responsibility should in no way prevent staff members at all levels from cooperating to develop the best possible school programs and services.
(cf. 2120 - Superintendent of Schools)
(cf. 2210 - Administrative Leeway in Absence of Board Policy) (cf.4119.3- Dutiesof Personnel)
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee is the chief executive officer and educational leader of the district. He/she executes all School Board decisions and is accountable to the School Board for managing the schools in accordance with the School Board's policies. He/she informs the School Board about school programs, practices and problems and provides professional advice on items requiring School Board action.
The School Board delegates to the Superintendent or designee the power to make decisions concerning internal operations of the district. The Superintendent or designee may delegate to other school staff any duties imposed upon him/her by the policies or vote of the School Board, as far as the law permits. This delegation of power or duty shall not relieve the Superintendent or designee of responsibility for actions taken by his/her designees.
The Superintendent or designee shall have general supervision of all personnel and shall develop and execute consistent, fair and fiscally sound personnel procedures and practices, including an evaluation program for all district employees. He/she shall oversee all financial operations of the district and actively seek out new funding sources for the schools.
The Superintendent or designee shall take an active leadership role in the development and improvement of the instructional program. He/she is expected to create a feeling of unity and enthusiasm among students and staff for the accomplishment of district goals.
The Superintendent or designee shall articulate educational issues and values before the community and other governmental agencies. He/she shall be accessible to community members and shall work with them to further the district's goals and build a strong, positive community attitude toward the school system.
The School Board expects the Superintendent or designee to remain current on educational thought and practices by reading educational publications, attending educational conferences, and visiting other school systems in the interest of improving the district's instructional program and overall operation. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the School Board and staff of new developments and significant events in the field of education.
(cf. 2122 - Superintendent of Schools: Job Description)
Legal Reference:
14.08.111 Duties (Regional School Boards)
14.14.130 Chief school administrator Revised9/98
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board shall employ a Superintendent or designee to serve as its Chief School Administrator for a contract term of not more than three years. Prior to entering into an employment contract with the Superintendent or designee, the School Board shall have the contract reviewed by legal counsel.
The School Board shall notify the Superintendent or designee of its intention not to renew his/her contract early enough to ensure compliance with any notice requirements of the existing contract. Any extension of the life of the contract shall be contingent upon a satisfactory evaluation of the Superintendent or designee's performance.
(cf. 2123 - Evaluation of the Superintendent)
Legal Reference:
14.14.130 Chief School Administrator
14.20.130 Employment of teachers and administrators Revised9/98
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The job of Superintendent or designee entails many complex duties, some specified in law and some assigned by the School Board. The School Board shall provide the Superintendent or designee with a job description that indicates his/her major responsibilities. The School Board shall further define the Superintendent or designee's responsibilities and duties through the adoption of School Board policies.
The Superintendent or designee may undertake outside professional activities such as speaking and writing, provided that the duties of his/her office receive adequate time and energy and always take precedence over any such outside activities.
(cf. 2000 - Concepts and Roles)
(cf. 2120 - Superintendent of Schools)
(cf. 2123 - Evaluation of the Superintendent) Legal Reference:
14.14.130 Chief School Administrator
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes that an annual evaluation of the Superintendent or designee's performance strengthens working relationships between the Superintendent or designee and the School Board.
The evaluation process should clarify the Superintendent or designee's role and give the School Board and Superintendent or designee an opportunity to jointly identify immediate priorities among the Superintendent or designee's many responsibilities. Evaluations also should help the School Board to monitor progress toward established goals and to set reasonable criteria for salary increases and/or contract extension.
The School Board shall meet with the Superintendent or designee to discuss the evaluation, including commendations in areas of strength and recommendations for improving effectiveness. The Superintendent or designee and School Board members shall agree upon and sign an evaluation summary. Additional evaluations may be arranged at any time during the school year at the request of either the School Board or the Superintendent or designee.
(cf. 2121 - Superintendent's Contract)
The evaluation process shall be reviewed annually to determine whether any of the following steps need improvement:
- developing or reviewing/revising the Superintendent or designee's job description.
- adopting or reviewing/revising evaluation policy.
- establishing clear criteria to include progress on district goals.
- establishing or reviewing/revising the evaluation process.
- carrying out the evaluation.
- summarizing the results.
- discussing the results with the Superintendent or designee.
- developing a plan for growth and improvement.
(cf.9321- Executive Sessions)
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YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee shall have the power to act, within the parameters of law, in cases where action must be taken and where the School Board has not provided guidelines for administrative action. If the action necessitates the addition or revision of policies, the Superintendent or designee shall make the necessary recommendations to the School Board.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent or designee to keep the School Board president apprised of any action taken in emergency situations as soon as practicable after its occurrence. The president shall use his/her discretion in informing the School Board before its next regular meeting.
(cf. 9314 - Suspension of Policies, Bylaws, Administrative Regulations) (cf.9320- Meetings)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee may establish a management team, administrative councils, task forces, cabinets, or committees as needed to properly administer School Board policies, improve the educational program and assist in district communication. The membership, composition, and responsibilities of these advisory groups shall be defined by the Superintendent or designee and may be changed at his/her discretion. Advisory groups shall channel their advice and recommendations through the Superintendent or designee to the School Board.
Expenses incurred for consulting services, materials and travel may be paid from the district's general operating funds only when within budgetary allotments and approved by the Superintendent or designee.
(cf. 0420 - School-Based Management/Site Councils)
(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf.8000- AdvisorySchoolBoards)
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that the principal may be absent from the school site in the course of his/her professional duties or for other reasons. Therefore, the School Board authorizes the position of teacher-in-charge/principal's designee in order to provide proper supervision and maintain the continuity of the instructional program and school operations.
In the absence of the principal, the teacher-in-charge/principal's designee shall administer the school in accordance with School Board policy, administrative regulations and procedures, and the law. The delegation of school site duties shall not relieve the principal of the responsibility for actions by the teacher-in-charge/principal's designee.
The name of the teacher-in-charge/principal's designee shall be kept on file in the school office. A second person may be designated to serve in this capacity when both the principal and primary designee are absent.
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes that certain positions may involve an employee's participation in decisions affecting his/her financial interests. Employees shall refrain from participating in official district financial decisions in which they have a substantial financial interest.
(cf. 3315 - Relations with Vendors)
(cf. 4112.8 - Employment of Relatives) (cf. 9270 - Conflict of Interest Code) Legal Reference:
29.20.010 Conflict of Interest
14.12.090 Oath
Adopted 1/2023
YFSD Policy Reference Manual