John Fredson School

PO Box 81089
89 Main Street
Venetie, AK 99781

Phone: 907-849-8415

Fax: 907-849-8630


Diane Olmstead

John Fredson School with Northern Lights
John Fredson School

Teacher Housing with Northern LIghts
Teacher Housing
John Fredson School Gym
John Fredson School Gym
Kids posing for photo at Basketball camp

College Prep Basketball Camp featuring UCONN Mens' Basketball player
Kwinton Williams and coach Chad Dyson

Photographer/Player Stephen Nye
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Kids on Basketball court
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Child aiming to shoot basketball
Children on basketball Court

School Accountability Information

Attendance Rate
Mathematics Proficiency
English Language Arts Proficiency
School demographic data



To educate all students in both traditional and contemporary knowledge sufficient to be happy and productive in a modern world, along with a deep appreciation for Gwichʻin values. Our vision is to instill knowledge of history, pride in culture, and confidence to go forth into todayʻs world.


Working cooperatively with the families of Venetie, John Fredson School will integrate traditional knowledge with modern educational methods. Authentic, informed education will instruct our youth which will prepare them to be active and contributing participants in our village and the world at large.

#NASAExplorers come in all ages! In this episode, we headed back to Alaska to check in with some of our tiniest Explorers. They’re following in the scientists’ footsteps, working with NASA’s GLOBE program to measure when and where snow and ice are freezing. Plus, stick around for a thank you message from our scientists to the young Explorers collecting their data.