Tsuk Taih School
General Delivery
#1 Marten Hill Drive
Chalkyitsik, AK 99788
Phone: 907-848-8113
Fax: 907-848-8312
Dr. Raymond Panzo

School Accountability Information
Attendance Rate
Mathematics Proficiency
English Language Arts Proficiency
School demographic data
All students are actively engaged in the educational standards of the State of Alaska.
Parents and community are encouraged to actively participate in the education of their children.
The needs of our students are met by intervention, enrichment, and after school opportunities.
Tsuk Taih School decisions are based on collaborations.
Tsuk Taih will devote all of it resources in preserving the Native Language and Native Culture of our students
Our mission is to develop an academically successful student, who is socially responsible.
By creating a safe environment, students will gain the skills to compete in this globally connected world.
By supporting the Native Culture and Native Language of our students, Tsuk Taih School will cultivate harmony, respect, and the joy of learning with a dedicated staff and a supportive community.