7000 New Construction
Since school construction is costly, and buildings become a permanent part of the community to be used by large numbers of people, the School Board and the district administration must take great care to ensure that the facilities fully support the intended educational and community programs, will be appropriately maintained, may be altered conveniently and inexpensively to meet future educational and community needs, provide a healthful environment, and fit harmoniously and attractively into the community.
(cf. 1330 - Use of School Facilities)
Role of the School Board The School Board:
- Recommends to the borough assembly, city council, or Department of Education and Early Development what buildings shall be built, when and where.
- Approves design criteria for school facilities.
- Seeks adequate financing for school facilities.
- Approves the selection of artists for art works in new facilities, if required or desired.
- Awards contracts to responsible bidders in the best interests of the district.
Role of the Superintendent or designee The Superintendent or designee:
- Directs the planning of all educational features of new buildings or alterations of old buildings.
- Maintains overall responsibility for the preparation of the educational specifications and capital improvement plans for school facilities.
- Acts as authorized agent of the district in all official governmental interactions related to school facilities.
- Recommends artists for art work in new facilities.
- Oversees the preparation of bids, award of contracts and, in collaboration with the architect, the construction.
(cf. 3311 - Bids)
(cf. 3312 - Contracts)
Legal Reference:
14.07.020 Duties of the department
14.08.101 Powers (regional school board)
14.11.011 Grant applications
14.14.060 Relationship between borough school district and borough
14.14.065 Relationship between city school district and city
35.15.010 - 35.15.120 Construction procedures
35.27.020 Art requirements for public buildings and facilities
4 AAC 31.010 - 4 AAC 31.090 School facility planning and construction
4 AAC 31.900 Definitions Revised 9/97
Revised 9/98
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee shall maintain an up-to-date facilities master plan. The plan shall reflect the current district educational specifications and capital improvement plan for school facility planning and construction.
Those qualitative factors considered may include, but not be limited to:
- State allocation building area standards.
- Maximum student capacity according to designated student-teacher ratios.
- Current student capacity based on current district program requirements.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that proposed district facilities meet the educational needs of the students and conform to all planning requirements imposed by state and local governmental agencies.
The School Board recognizes the importance of having complete and factual information as the basis for developing and maintaining cooperation among district staff, parents/guardians, students, state and local governmental and planning agencies, and other business and community representatives in developing district plans.
To assure a comprehensive approach to projecting and planning needs, the following elements shall be considered in planning school facilities:
- The expanding and changing educational program of the district including the number of children to be served and their specific educational needs.
- The impact of proposed facilities on the community and considerations regarding community use of the facilities.
- Safety and welfare of students.
- The relationship between existing and new facilities.
- Community planning and zoning requirements.
- Other site specific information which provides guidance in the planning of facilities.
- The forecasted enrollments and demographic factors.
Legal Reference:
14.11.011 Grant applications
14.11.020 Assumption of responsibilities
35.15.080 Local control of state public works projects
35.27.010 - 35.27.030 Art works in public buildings and facilities
4 AAC 31.010 - 4 AAC 31.090 School facility planning and construction
4 AAC 31.900 Definitions
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board recognizes the need to cooperate with municipal, state and federal agencies to provide the best possible school facilities and obtain the greatest efficiency and economy in the use of public funds expended for school construction.
Legal Reference:
14.07.020 Duties of department
14.11.020 Assumption of responsibilities
14.14.060 Relationship between borough school district and borough
14.14.065 Relationship between city school district and city
35.15.080 Local control of state public works projects
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Upon approval by the School Board, the Superintendent or designee may contract for the services of an architect, engineer or land surveyor for any approved project in accordance with law.
(cf. 3312 - Contracts)
The Superintendent or designee shall:
- Develop criteria for the selection of professional consultants.
- Recommend a list of professional consultants for Board approval.
- Provide pertinent information to facilitate Board approval on contracts for professional services.
- Provide a procedure for an administrative hearing for unsuccessful contractors in accordance with law.
Legal Reference:
4 AAC 31.065 Selection of designers and construction managers
36.90.300 Indemnification, defense, and hold harmless provision in certain construction-related contracts
Revised 2/11
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes that site selection and development starts from the premise that the school is an integral part of the total community. The School Board will solicit community input whenever a school site is to be selected. Besides serving our district's educational needs, an adequate site should show potential for contributing to other community needs and functions. In addition, the following factors shall be considered:
- Size of lot, current and future parking needs and outdoor facilities, such as tracks and fields.
- Soil and gradation considerations.
- Access to utilities.
- Conflicts with existing traffic patterns. (cf. 0430 - Community School Program)
Legal Reference:
14.14.060 Relationship between borough school district and borough
14.14.065 Relationship between city school district and city
4 AAC 31.010 Educational specifications
4 AAC 31.025 Site acquisition and selection
4 AAC 31.080 Construction and acquisition of public-school facilities
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
Growth, safety considerations and educational program changes may require the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of existing facilities. The purchase of school sites and the construction of buildings may be financed by any legally provided means which the district is qualified to employ, including state-financed assistance.
The superintendent shall determine the anticipated share of the school district's participation in the cost of any proposed school construction or major maintenance project and shall evaluate available means of making the local contribution required by law. These alternatives may include the sale of capital bonds, the use of available federal funds or funds from other sources and, where applicable, locally contributed labor, material or equipment.
If the district is unable to provide the required participatory share through federal, local or other funding sources, and is unable to satisfy its participatory share through local contributions, and it can be demonstrated that the required participatory share will jeopardize receipt of federal assistance, the superintendent may request in writing from the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development a full or partial waiver of the local contribution.
Legal Reference:
14.11.005 - 14.11.135 Construction, rehabilitation, and improvement of school and education-related facilities.
43.50.010 - 43.50.180 Cigarette Tax Act
4 AAC 31.010 - 4 AAC 31.090 School facility planning and construction
4 AAC 36.010 Cigarette tax distribution
4 AAC 57.200 - 4 AAC 57.300 Library construction grants
Revised 9/97
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The Superintendent or designee shall protect the district real property interest during all phases of construction. Such interests may include, but are not limited to:
- A review of existing property insurance policies for coverage of new construction and preparation of such policies for conversion upon completion of new construction.
- Liability insurance for design errors, code violations, or lack of adherence to construction standards.
- Contractor performance bonds. (cf. 3530 - Risk management)
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual
The School Board believes it is appropriate for schools or individual buildings to be named:
- In honor of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community, state or borough, or
- In recognition of the geographic areas in which the school or building is located.
No school facility should be named for a living person or for a commercial development unless the name existed in the area prior to the development.
The School Board may appoint an ad hoc committee to review all name suggestions for the School Board's final consideration.
Adopted 10/23
YFSD Policy Reference Manual